Studying Is Snow Big Deal ~ Thanks to the National Honor Society for putting together this bulletin board! #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS National Honor Society
Girls Varsity Basketball will play in the Carrollton Lady Hawks Tournament tomorrow at 9:30am. If they win they will play again at 1:00 PM for the Consolation Championship. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Upcoming events in February
about 5 years ago, Kevin Reedy
February events
Career day at North We had an amazing day learning about various careers. North staff would like to give a special thank you to the men and women who took the time to speak to the students. We would also like to thank North teachers, Darci Harrison, Lacy Suslee, and Emily Chumley for their help in marking the day great.
about 5 years ago, Kevin Reedy
Career speakers 3
Career speakers 2
Career speakers 1
Nokomis CUSD 22 Weekly Events Calendar 2/1/20-2/8/20 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Weekly Events Calendar 2/1-2/8
Weekly Events Calendar 2/1-2/8
Weekly Events Calendar 2/1-2/8
The Redskins will take on Metro East Lutheran tonight. There will be a Cheer Camp performance and we will remember Coach Kimbro’s 201-300 wins. 🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Kimbro
NHS Kimbro
NHS Kimbro
NHS Kimbro
Please see the attached bracket for the updated Girls Basketball schedule in the Lady Hawk Invitational in Carrollton. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Lady Hawk Invite Bracket
Congratulations to our Redskins!! They defeated Lincolnwood 31-30 tonight to win the Morrisonville Tournament for the 27th time. Congrats to Alex Tosetti for being named to the all-tournament team and to Carter Sabol for being named MVP of the tournament! 🔴⚫️🏀 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Boys Basketball
NHS Boys Basketball
Mrs. King’s 8th grade students used parachutes to learn about speed, acceleration, and velocity. 🪂 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NJHS Science
NJHS Science
NJHS Science
NJHS Science
The varsity girls basketball game at Carrollton tonight has been cancelled.
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Thanks to Sam Anthony Lucania for sharing his message with our students today! Huge thanks to Cross Over Ministries for bringing Sam to the Montgomery County schools! Sam will be speaking tonight at The Event Center in Hillsboro at 6:30pm. This is a free event for the public. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
There will be an informational meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 6:00 pm in the Nokomis High School cafeteria for those 6th-12th grade students interested in participating in the upcoming Illinois State High School Clay Target League.
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Clay Target League Flyer
It was Senior Night tonight for the Lady Redskins! Congratulations Macee!! 🔴⚫️🏀 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Girls Basketball
It was 8th Grade Night for the JH boys basketball team and cheerleaders!! 🏀 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
JH Boys Basketball
JH Cheerleaders
Sam Anthony Lucania, TEDx Speaker, 5-Star author, personal trainer, overdose survivor, and recovery advocate is coming to Litchfield, Raymond, Hillsboro and Nokomis schools January 28th and 29th. He will visit NHS students tomorrow, January 29th. There will also be an evening event for the Montgomery County community on the 29th at The Event Center in Hillsboro at 6:30pm. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
It’s Senior Night tonight! Nokomis takes on Lincolnwood in the new gym. JV game starts at 6pm. Macee will be recognized between games. 🔴⚫️🏀 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Girls Basketball
The NHS National Honor Society is recognizing member Alex Pavolka on their board this week. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS National Honor Society
Nokomis February Lunch Menus #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
JH/HS Lunch Menu
North Elementary Lunch Menu
Our boys varsity basketball team placed 4th at the Litchfield Tournament Saturday! Coach Kimbro was recognized for his years of coaching and Carter was named to the All-Tournament team for the 4th year! 🔴⚫️🏀 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Boys Basketball
NHS Boys Basketball
NHS Boys Basketball
SCHEDULE CHANGE: The JV Boys Basketball game in Lincolnwood tomorrow is at 12:00 instead of 1:30pm. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22