The Arrowhead Open check presentation will take place tomorrow, January 4th. The Nokomis Athletic Club will make the presentation in between the JV and Varsity girls basketball games. The JV game begins at 6pm. 🔴⚫️ #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Nokomis Athletic Club
Congratulations to our boys basketball team on winning the NHS Freshman Christmas Tournament!! 🔴⚫️🎄🏀
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Boys Basketball
The NHS girls basketball team will begin play in the Carlinville Holiday Tournament today at 3pm. 🎄🏀 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Girls Basketball
NHS Freshman Christmas Tournament Schedule 🎄🏀 #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Boys Basketball
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Students completed their gingerbread houses in Ms. Williams’ class. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Foods
NHS Foods
NHS Foods
NHS Foods
Ms. Tharp’s students completed their cake and pie ceramic boxes. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
North Elementary students enjoyed lessons on corn, pork, dairy, and apples last week. Ms. Riedle’s Ag Industry students enjoyed creating these lessons and had an exciting time presenting them to the students. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS North Elementary
NHS North Elementary
NHS North Elementary
NHS North Elementary
Nokomis North Elementary & Junior High/High School - January 2020 Breakfast/Lunch Menu #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
North Elementary
Junior High/High School
High School Students - Contact Ms. Sakach if you are interested in participating in Scholastic Bowl this year. Thanks to Maia for creating the info-graphic. #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Scholastic Bowl
The Boys JV/V Basketball game at East Alton Wood River has been rescheduled for 6:00pm on 1/8/20.
about 5 years ago, Kevin McDonald
Be safe! ❄️ #NOKOPROUD
about 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Nokomis CUSD #22
Please read the attached message from Superintendent Dr. Scott Doerr regarding Monday, December 16th.
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Nokomis CUSD #22
Please see the attached message from Superintendent Dr. Scott Doerr. All evening activities, including the junior high dance, high school boys basketball game, and all practices, have been cancelled for today.
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
They are HERE! The 2018-2019 Yearbooks are in!!!! They will be distributed tomorrow during lunch for those who purchased one last school year. If you have graduated, you may pick them up during lunch tomorrow, Friday, December 13th from 11:50am-12:10pm OR from 3:15-3:45pm in the old gym lobby. They WILL NOT be available throughout the day. If you cannot make these times please contact Mrs Harrison at to make arrangements. #NOKOPROUD
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Yearbook
Mrs. McDonald’s Junior High Student Advisory group went Angel Tree shopping today! #NOKOPROUD
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
JH Student Advisory
The National Honor Society is recognizing Sophia Keller this week on their board. #NOKOPROUD
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS National Honor Society
The NHS Student Council participated in a food pantry scavenger hunt last week. They collected 641 items that were donated to the Nokomis Food Pantry. #NOKOPROUD
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
NHS Student Council
Congratulations to Springfield Blessed Sacrament on their IESA 2A Sectional victory at Nokomis this evening! They defeated Assumption Central A & M 48-33. Good luck at State! 🏀 #NOKOPROUD
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
Junior High Athletics
The Greatest Showman - Presented by North Elementary K-5 students and Mrs. Kilzer!! Wonderful job!! 🎄 #NOKOPROUD
over 5 years ago, Nokomis CUSD #22
North Elementary K-5 Holiday Musical